Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life in on your own decision... Do not blame others.. SANCTUM~~


hye, you guys fine? having nice holiday? mine was not so nice, because a lot of work that needs to be done and never ever ever finished.even if its finished, yet comes another. but. well. student life. you-know-what-i-mean.... allrite. whats up with the topic? ok. i would like to mention this entry is maybe more like a review about a film.SANCTUM Yes, rite. its a new movie i guess and for me a really good story. but. fine, everyone had their own choices and different kind of movie they like, so i mention again. this is my opinion based own my interest... 

This movie is about some cave explorer and offered a very good scenery. for me. it was very impressive. YES. I LIKE IT A LOT! so, there is a cave, i don't really know is it really real or not, but this cave was a very deep cave... and this explorer explore the beauty of this caves, but something unpredictable happens, when a storm happen and blocked the cave. There is no way out for 5 explorer that is stuck in that cave.

Actually, the main part what i like to share is the dramatic scene in this movie, emotionally, i cried .. it was about an expert cave explorer and his son which are not really good in a relationship before they stuck together in a cave and lastly had a great moments and knew his father before his father died in the cave... 

oke. i am very slow when type entry in english, i am doing so because i want to improve my writings, but... susah den nak express apa yang nak diceritakan. haa... kuar dah ayat melayu.. hehe

So, cerita ni memang seram la bila sorang demi sorang mati dalam gua tu. yelah, oxygen x cukup kan. jadi masing2 seakan2 mementingkan diri sampai sanggup betray kawan sendiri. Paling tragic bila seorang antara explorer cave perempuan mati sebab rambut tersekat dekat tali sampai terkopek kulit kepala dan akhirnya jatuh mati ke dalam pusaran air dan jadi macam daging hiris... and she do that because she choose to die like that. kenapa sya cakap macamtu, tgklah cerita ni ya... salah satu lagi explorer lelaki plak mati sebab pentingkan diri. curi tangki oxygen dan teruskan je mnyelam tanpa hiraukan rakan2 laen2 dan tak terima advice cave explorer yang lagi otai. akhernya oxygen abes dan mati kat tgh jalan...

For a is on your own decision. YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT BLAME OTHERS . its your own choice.... then when something bad happen to you, its about your very own decision why it was happened. for issues in blogger just today i guess. which is spreading a rumour about hiting menghitting other blogger, why he/she said like that.. why he/she wants to say or write is her or him own decision.. and exactly as i said, faced your challenges!! 
"You can't stop people from talking about you, but you can stop giving them something to talk about...."
last but not least, seriously i don't think i am such a very good person to make any statements and yet too scary to make any judgement towards other people... just, take a moment and think about it...!! :)

p/s: still standing to finished lab reportsss..
p/s 2: my-engineer was very busy with his FYP so a lil bit lonely tonight. :P

Friday, February 25, 2011

Engineer the best than others! :)


Hye!!! how are you guys??? ok, what's up with me? am i an engineer? err.... no. but i love an engineer. hehe... why do i say so? i am a biotechnologist student. how can i LOVE an engineer? it is different with my field of study and of course different with my interest....
hey, sya.... do you say so because your boyfriend is an engineering student? 
errrrrr.... hell no! shut up! *blushed.. :P

Do you ever heard about a fact that the differences of two person interest can make them really good in relationship? How can they do that? me? yes. i agree and its possible... engineer is the best? seek for a prove about that??hehe. check this out.

hehe..... so.. dah percaya?? 

Actually,kalo pasal pasangan ni, bukan bergantung pada pekerjaan pun.. tapi entahlah. bagi sya mmg kena laen field, baru macam ada connections jugak. macam sya ni, student biotech kan, and paham2 jela kalo budak bio ni, cakapnyer mmg banyak. yela... kalo explain pape tu sya memang suka detail2 and si dia... mesti dengar je dengan sabar.. bila apa2 masalah... sya berleter panjang2 si dia mesti akan bagi solution yang simple, but then very useful .... pemikiran engineer ni memang simple, how complicated the problem is, they always manage to solve it well..  very good in critical thinking !

Ini pendapat sya buat masa sekarang.... for me. engineer is the best! 
*ok statement ni mmg sya cakap sbb my lover is an engineering student. hehe

p/s:updated shortly because lack of time.. wish me luck for another test tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



now i am at the library
rite.i'm studying
i have two midterm test on friday. its physics and marketing~
wish me luck! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why do we cry?


You guys fine? ok. i am moody. guess what? someone told me that i SHOULD NOT write anything personal on my blog. fine. i agree with him because maybe blog is not someplace for person to share their personal life or write everything happened... its not like i am an artist to let you all know about what am I doing..but. i just think it was kind of my way to express my feeling. but you know, some person just don't understands.. ok. let it go.

So, after being insulted like that, i feel that some watery materials comes down from my eyes. Oh no. am i crying? just because of that? hello... i am not so depressed for just small matter... so, why is it these tears still come out??

How do we cry??Crying is a more complicated process than one would at first imagine.The water that comes out from our eyes is called tears.Tears are divided into three types; basal tears, reflex tears and emotional tears. Each of them will be secreted in different chemical composition and situation.. Basal tears keep our eyes lubricated constantly. Reflex tears are produced when our eyes get irritated, like with onions or when something gets into our eyes.Emotional tears is produced when the body reacts emotionally to something. Each type of tear contains different amounts of chemical proteins and hormones. 

The emotional tears contain higher levels of manganese and the hormone prolactin.Scientists have discovered to help the depression away,the release of emotional tears is really assisted.This is because these two elements is reduced when the tears comes out. Many people have found that crying actually calms them after being upset, and this is in part due to the chemicals and hormones that are released in the tears.   

is good for us to cry when sad. crying actually helps . just let it out my friends.. you will feel better~~ trust me!

cry it loud

p/s: my tears is reflex tears because a minute later a realised my housemate actually chopping some onions just now. :P

futsal oh futsal

sya nak crita je
semalam sya maen futsal 
peringkat u
lawan antara fakulti
hehe. best2
sya jadi keeper je
tp dapat tahan hampir all the ball
bola kencang pun x bocor beb!!...(poyo)
wee. x pernah maen pun sebelum ni
tbe2 macam seronok pulak
sya biasa maen volley je
futsal is not my sport
i will get used of it!! 

bruises on leg 
seluar koyak
plus++ pengalaman yang sgt berharga!! :)

my teamates

p/s: masuk semata2 nak dapat sijil je. :P

Friday, February 18, 2011

Belajar kimia untuk pikat suami..??

Ok. dah lama sya tak update blog kan.minggu ni mmg bz, banyak kuiz. Banyak je mende nak tulis, tapi tiba2 je mesti ada benda laen yang kena siapkan dulu.biasalah kan, student mmg dah lazim la tu. Err, kenapa dgn tajuk sya? sabar. nak cerita lah ni. hehe..

Siapalah sya ni kan nak cakap pasal hal2 suami ni.. kahwin pun x lagi. cuma saje sya nak berkongsi. .. rasanya semua org pun tau kalau nak pikat suami biasanya perempuan akan pikat melalui masakan. malahan, lelaki pun suka kan perempuan yang pandai masak. sya pun tak nafikan akhir2 ni sya banyak mintak mak ajar sya nak masal lauk2 bagai. yela, perempuan kan, macam apa org kata sediakan raincoat sebelum ujan.kenalah pandai masak b4 nak kahwin kan. barulah ada pakej. kan kan. :)

Oke. curious kan dengan tajuk. apasal sya ni, chef2 tu bukan aliran sains pun tapi sedap je masak. sebenarnya,  bukan tu maksud sya. entahlah . sya suka kaitkan kehidupan dengan sains. rasa interesting. hehe.. macamana eh nak pandai masak? kadang2 kalo ikut resipi2 ade je yang tak kena, sedangkan dah ikut buku betol2. Macamana nak tau apa yang tak kena dgn masakan kita tu???

Ya. memang semuanya berasaskan kimia sebenarnya. sebagai contoh, kalo nak masak sayur tak boleh lama2 kan,rasa akan laen jadinya... ini adalah kerana plant cell akan shrink(mengecut) dan akan mula mengeluarkan acid.tu pasal la macam xsedap je kan. siap ada hitam2 lagi kalo da hangus tu.ha. jangan eh. bahaya2.Selain tu, daging kalo nak kasi empuk kita letak panadol kan, actually ianya berkaitan dengan enzymes yang terkandung dalam kandungan panadol tu yang boleh tenderizes the meat. kalo masak kobis merah pun, kalo kita masuk dalam periuk tiba2 akan berubah kaler kan, tu sebenarnya anthocyanine pigment yang telah pecah akibat heat yg produce dr periuk,Semua ni yang common2 info... tapi pasal detail sya memang tak tau, kena tanya pakar lah.. hehe

Sebenarnya, before sya tulis post ni, sya teringat dengan kak cik sya. kalo sya pergi rumah dia kat kedah, sya mesti mintak dia ajar sedikit sebanyak resipi yang simple2 supaya sya boleh praktikkan dan masak sendiri kat rumah.Sya terinagt dia ajar kalo nak masak cucur, kasi dia lembut,dah siap buat aduan tu, masuk telur 1 biji n terus goreng dalam minyak panas. jangan biarkan lama. sya tanya kenapa? "tindakbalas kimia telur dan aduan tu lah. somewhat makes the cucur softer, adek kaji lah kenapa!." hehe.(kakak sya cikgu sains sekolah menengah tu yang suka bagi sya 'homework' tu) alamak kak cik, adek x sempat kaji lagi la..hehe...

Banyak lagi info ni, cuma sya x sempat nak tulis semua. meronta-ronta nak tulis byk2 ni tapi mmg sya dicemburui masa..Haa..x silap sya, macam pernah baca ada dari seorang saintis jadi tukang masak yang handal.nama dia Shirley Corriher. she apply mostly a lot of biochemistry reactions to makes the food taste better! 

Kena belajar kimia ke nak pikat suami? x payah lah... belajar memasak je sudah. buat pening kepala je nak belajar kimia. but then, if u be a good cooker, so you are an excellent chemist too!! senang je nak jadi ahli cendikiawan ni kan. jangan lah ingat budak2 sains ni nerdy sgt sampai tak tau langsung pasal masakan kan..2 in 1 ni.. heheee...

oh. lapar.... huhu

p/s: yeay, nanti sya nak beli periuk nasi.bolehlah masak2 kat hostel ni.. hehe

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Err.. Hye. Saya Blogger Baru..

Hye. saya blogger baru. selamat berkenalan...........!!! :) 

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am not lazy, i am just SUPER busy!!

oh no. look at  all the spiderweb around this blog. orite,No! i am not lazy, i am just super busy!!After all, i will still try to post something tonight although all the assignments and lab reports waiting for me to be finished.And I also had 2 quizzes today and have one more on Wednesday.You know, all of these works will never ends. Even in  study week too,we still doing assignment because of the due date is about that time...takpe takpe. Study smart sya! hehe

So as we all know, tomorrow is Maulidurrasul. So that all of us got one day holiday. Thats why i decided to take a breath and write something to refresh my mine. oke.i want to express something in my feeling. Recently, i feel discomfort.i know, i always use holiday as an excuse to do just something else and not studying.Because i always thinks i can do it another time.I can study when tomorrow,next week,next month. And. i will end up with study at night before final exam!!!!!oh.  so i think i must change this attitude soon. no! i mean NOW!!

We all know that we must to spend time wisely.Whatever we do, we must to balance it well. Same thing with our health. if we want to stay healthy, we must to eat food in balance nutrition. So friends, don't ever use "BUSY" as the reason if you don't success. (oke,kena batang hidung sendiri. huhu)this is because being busy is the things that shows u becoming a SUCCESS person...!!(Yeay!! hehe)

Many people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist.They are wrong.It is character. ---Albert Einstein.

There are no S_CCESS without U!!!! 
So good luck for all of you readers and good luck for me too!!  
 p/s: rasa bersalah dengan family if tak mula hard dari sekarang. tolong suruh sya rajin study sekarang!!huhu..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Brain's Power!!


Semua dah makan???Alhamdulillah sya kenyang makan mee goreng=226 kcal. Cukuplah tenaga untuk buat apa yang patut disiapkan malam ni. Hehe...after eating, i am looking at my desktop. Oke. So messy.... and i decided to clean up all the mess. Compiling each of the files into specific folder. So takde la melilau dah nak cari file yang disimpan..

So. Suddenly, terjumpa suatu gambar. Oh.. ini waktu sekolah rendah dulu rasanya. Bersama kawan2 waktu birthday 8 tahun. Ooppsss. Siapa yang hujung tu erk? Oh. Azman,(bukan nama sebenar).. wah. Sungguh tak sangka. Sudah berbelas tahun sya masih boleh igt. Kenapa ya?? Oke. I like to ask myself. And think about it..

I think all of you familiar with the file with the idea of image compression in computers. File extensions like ‘jpg’ or ‘png’ signify that millions of pixel values have been compressed into a more efficient format, reducing file size by a factor of 10 or more with little or no apparent change in image quality. The full set of original pixel values would occupy too much space in computer memory and take too long to transmit across networks. Yela, lo tak tak ke payah nak transfer gamba2 kepada kawan2? Nak upload dalam facebook pun payah kot.. hehe

How about human brains?? Human brains comprises of the images captured by light-sensitive cells in the retina are on the order of a megapixel. How does our brains compressed all the visual images?? Ok. Saintis telah buat kajian  manusia  menggunakan V4 sel yang terletak ditengah2 bahagian otak untuk ingat segala visual images yang dicapture oleh retina.
Jadi nak kaji perkara ni, saintis pun bina lah V4 sel alike,dan test hipotesis mereka. Suprisingly,these virtual V4 cells can be folded 8 kali lebih kecil berbanding dengan size reduction achieved by compressing photographs into the .jpeg format!! Our brains is so powerful!!  patutlah kita boleh ingat begitu banyak images!!

Yes,computers can beat us at math and chess but they can't match our ability to distinguish, recognize, understand, remember, and manipulate the objects that make up our world. This core human ability depends in part on condensing visual information to a tractable level. For now, at least, the .brain format seems to be the best compression algorithm around..

'sebaik baik kejadian adalah manusia'

p/s: mood gembira baru lepas cakap telefon dgn si dia. hehe
p/s lagi: byk betol chapter kena cover malam ni. chaiyok2 sya!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Lost Ants.......

Assalamualaikum... what are you doing? ok.i am just finished cleaning my desk. WHY IT IS SO MANY ANTS??? ahh.oke,,taksuka!!. kaco lah, nak siapkan assignment pun tak i choose to update my blogs with some information about it!! haha. idea idea. ehee..Ok,i know. ants is cute,(bugs story movie) but it was very disturbing when they keep crawling on my desk. my hand. n my legs too!eeeeuww. geli geli..have u ever had the same situation???

Do you know that ants produce chemical signals when they walking? thats why when ants walk on one path, yet another ants will follow right behind... Then they looks like an army squad. lining entire your desk,cupboard and anywhere else.They never walks alone. the first ants leave chemical signaling and can be detected by the next ants.Thats why they keep walking on the same path, over and over until all of their colony gets your sweets food or drinks looks like "sea of ants"!! 

So. how do you deal with these ants? me? haha... i like to play with these ants. since they like to play on my food,so lets play with them! hehe. i love to make these ants confused. how? just some touch on their walking path, and make it pointing to another way. its make you disturb their chemical signaling. so. the next ants will be lost its way! So funny to looks the ants confused where to go. hehe. Try it. try now... :)

Ahhaaa.... there are some new research that the dead ants still produce their chemical signal, but a lil bit different with the signals when they alive.. Apparently, to keep their fellow hivemates from hauling them to the graveyard, living ants constantly produce another set of chemicals that mark them as alive and well. Upon death, these "alive" signals cease to be produced and dissipate quickly, leaving only the long-lasting "dead" chemical on the body and alerting other ants that cleanup is necessary. interesting! :)

p/s: lots of lab report and assignment to be finished! just short update.. huhu.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

hoho.. enough. i am full !! :)

evening olzz. just back from steamboat restaurant KETAM. 
oh my, its been a while since the last day i had steamboat. really.
 Actually i  am on diet but, as my friends ask to join, i said.... 
why not? haha... sekali je langgar pantang sket.
 konon2 hari ni cheat day la. mkn lebih dr kalori sepatutnya..sory abg SS!!
lepas ni sya janji jaga balik kalori pemakanan sya.weee.. 

Wah. very amusing to see all the food served.
 not only seafood meh, nasi lemak ada, mee goreng,ice cream, kueh mueh, buah buahann.
oh, since i have not eating since morning, apalagi der,,,, melantak la! hehee...
malu jugak td dgn sorang member laki yang ada
tapi ... ahhhh. dah bayar,malu kang rugi...!! hehe

so this is some pics.. taken by my friend.
camera out of battery,just phone camera.a lil bit blurr,
nvm, the point is we are happy and full!! :)

sebelah tomyam sebelah biasa ye. :)

opps. kena tangkap tgh makan ketam! hehe

icecream! yummy!!
sedikit sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit! ;)
nasi pun ader dengan pelbagai lauk2!

erk...Alhamdulillah! I am full!!! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Manusia berasal dari afrika??

Aik..biar benar sya ni kan.. kulit kita bukan maen cerah cakap asal dari afrika. Apa kes? haha... mesti tu yang korang fikirkan kan? Betulke kita semua berasal dari afrika???

Biasalah entry sya mesti berdasarkan apa yang sya belajar. susah la nak tukar tune, sebab tengah sibuk dengan kuliah and lab kan. Oh busy busy. tapi nak jugak update blog. ye la, bak kata otai2 blogger macam en ben, (hehe. peminat dye ni) kena sentiasa aktif. biar la follower ciput pn, asal kita update kan... kan . kan. haa.. angguk je eh. hehe

Ok guys, back to the topic... WHY DID I MENTION AFRICA? kenapa tak jepun ke, korea ke.. lawa2 sket kan.. hehe.. sya tak cakap kalo tak refer pada teori, jangan risau eh. Sya teringat sya ada belajar sem lepas, subjek genetik oleh DR Kenneth, ada satu teori mengatakan yang manusia ni asal dari afrika.. kenapa ya??

Ok. kita tahu kan, identifications of humans refer from genetics rite? Then, DNA yang kita perolehi memang berbeza antara satu sama laen.. one of the theory, genetics represent by chromosome, is inherited from parents to their daughter or son... tapi ,,,tapi .... ada satu genetik yang tidak berubah iaitu genetik DNA pada mitochondria kita. So, this mitochondrial DNA memang tak berubah, dari turun temurun.. mak kita sama, ayah pun sama.. macamtu lah... Jadi, kajian tentang mithoshondrial DNA ni telah menekukan asal usul manusia ni lah...

So, bila buat kajian tentang population of human, penemuan manusia yang pertama adalah dari afrika..konsep ni mula-mula not approve,speculative hingga 1980, sampailah ada research terbaru genetik molekular ,(teknologi makin canggih) dan gabung lagi dengan kajian Antropologi fizikal (kajian sejarah,fossil2) akhirnya terbukti lah yang manusia ni(homosapien), asalnya dari Afrika.Ada jugak bukti yang dijumpai kalo tak silap.. penemuan fosil manusia (tulang2, tengkorak pe sume) mmg dijumpai kat afrika.. Yang berusia lebih kurang 200,000 dan 150 000 tahun dahulu!!!! First manusia  dari afrika laa... hmm

Jadi, kita semua berasal dari afrika ke?? hehe.. ini hanya teori berdasarkan sains... teori berasaskan agama islam kita memang berasal dari Adam dan Hawa kan... memang macam2 teori omputeh ni buat , ada yang Charles Darwin tu kata manusia dari beruk kan? Apa lah... haha.. tapi bg sya tak salah pun mereka...lagipun berdasarkan apa yang telah  dikaji kan... kita percaya lah apa yang kita rasa betul.. hehe...

nak cek pasal ni boleh klik sini..

p/s: makin busy, setiap hari ada masa 15 min je nak update blog.. huhu

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Botol air ajaib?

Yes kuliah pagi ni abes awal.tapi ptg ada lab. peduli.ada masa nak update blog. update la jap.wahaha. takpe,jap je ni. tak banyak pun nak merepek. masa suntuk.

Botol Air Ajaib?
Air penting dalam kehidupan. tapi botol air pentingkah? kenapa cerita pasal air ni? suka hati lah. tengah dahaga.. hehe.. sya teringat satu program tv yang sya tengok dulu. tentang botol air yang lengkap dengan filter. macamana tu?? Tak ke semua filter water berat2 and besar gedabak? macamana boleh jadi botol air plak??inilah inovasi. and sya memang suka benda inovasi ni. biarlah. mood tgh kat kampus, semua pun tentang sains je.. boring ke sains? sukalah hati sya nak tulis sya suka. hehe

balik pada tajuk. memang ada botol air sekali dengan filter ni. tapi kat negara omputehje  la kot. setakat ni sya tak jumpa lagi kat malaysia. kalo ada bagitau sya eh.. nak beli! hehe,,senang botol air jenis ni.kalo kepada siapa2 yang suka mengembara, boleh amek je ais paya ke, yang cloudy2 tu.. kaler pun dah macam air teh tarik.. tapi masuk dalam botol ni, squeeze filter kedalam botol, terus jadi clear water...Its remove over 99% contaminants!!

As we all know,only 3 % of the earth's water is available for consumption since 97% of the earth's water is salt water. Dan proses penyulingan air masin requires very high energy consumption.Dah tu lagi 3 % tu hanya boleh jumpa bila air hujan,sungai,salji... And mostly dah polluted! aiseh...Manusia.
air macam kotor je kan?tapi tak dah bila guna filter ni.

 Jadi bagoslah kalo air ni boleh difilter dengan cara yang senang macam botol air ni.Just filled up the water from the bottom and just squeeze towards the bottle then we can have fresh water that is great to drink.So kalo ada botol air jenis ni, senang la sket. tak perlu risau air yang kotor lagi. asal ada air paip pun dah ok..harga?? haha.. entah. tak tahu. search la sendiri kat google .sya bukan agen jual2 pun. just nak kongsi je..

p/s: tgh tension lupa bawak air,melayang seringgit beli air mineral. aishhh
p/s 2: jangan la tapis air longkang plak kalo dah ada botol air ni,microorganism tak mati afta filter camni je...kang tak pasal2 sakit plak . huhu

salam tulis cepat2 dari sya. weee :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lelaki tidak diperlukan lagi??

pilih mana nk.semua hensem, tapi perlu ke???
Evening semua. sya baru balik dari kuliah,tiba2 rasa nak update blog. Tadi bersembang dengan kawan-kawan pasal tikus. Bilik kawan sya kena masuk tikus. sama pulak dengan bilik sya. baru semalam ada tikus di bilik air adik bilik jumpa...aishh...Mungkin pembiakan tikus ni berleluasa kat kampus ni sekarang. 

Kaitan dengan tajuk? 
Sabar. memang la. pasal tikus la ni. kenapa pasal tikus pulak? tadi kata lelaki tak diperlukan? haa.. sya nak kongsi apa sya belajar,teringat tentang tikus yang diberi nama Kaguya.Mungkin ada yang dah tau,tapi sya nak cerita jugak...Seorang saintis jepun, Tomohiro Kono buat kajian, lelaki (male)tidak lagi diperlukan untuk produce offspring. maksudnyer, tak perlukan sperm lelaki untuk menghasilkan anak. wah! hebat tak? ini hasil biotechnologist laa.. 

Seperti yang semua tau kan, kita mesti perlukan sperm lelaki untuk menghasilkan anak, ala, cerita sperm yg berenang laju, yang attach ovary dulu, dia lah yang berjaya disenyawakan.Kita(mammals) tak sama macam amphibians,fish or insects that can reproduce eggs alone(parthenogenesis).Normal mammal need genetic contributions from mom and dad....Penyelidikan mesti la guna tikus kan.nanti canggah dengan ethic pulak.

So,Tikus ni telah diubah genetiknya iaitu penggabungan kandungan genetik oleh dua telur(eggs) male and female.Akhirnya tikus ni telah berjaya menghasilkan anak, tanpa tikus jantan! 


Akhirnya berjaya lah saintis jepun ni menghasilkan tikus yang diberi nama Kaguya ni. mesti dia blur2 siapa ayah dia kan?  Pelik kan bentuk dia? 

Tak silap sya tikus ni mati sebelum sempat dibuat further research. emm. biasalah... genetic recombination ni memang susah nak berjaya. need a lot of trial and a lot of perfection. 

Itulah. mana boleh lawan kuasa tuhan.Memang segala yang diciptakan tu berpasangan kan. Ada lelaki, ada perempuan. ada siang, ada malam. ada gula, ada semut. eh. tu peribahasa kan. haha. apa2 lah. yang penting. my point. lelaki bagi sya memang diperlukan dalam kehidupan. bukan untuk dapatkan zuriat je. 

Oh!sya tak dapat bayangkan kalau hidup sya takde him so much!!

kalau berminat nak tau research tentang tikus ni boleh la search pasal Kaguya Mouse. mesti ada keluar kat engine turbo google nuh..Sya hanya share apa yang sya belajar dalam lecture je. banyak lagi sebenarnya yang saintis ni cuba buat. ubah sana, ubah sini.. tu belum lagi yang langgar ethics.

kesian jugak tikus2 ni jadi mangsa, tapi demi perkembangan teknologi kan.. sya tak rasa research itu salah, sebab memang harus pun kita menuntut ilmu, discover tentang pelbagai perkara. macam niat saintis jepun ni la, dia cakap macamni::

The goal of our study was to discover why sperm and eggs were required for development in mammals," Kono said..

Kalau research ni berjaya dengan approval ,publish lagi... adakah lelaki tidak diperlukan lagi untuk dapat zuriat???so lelaki-lelaki yang dihormati,jangan la berkasar dengan isteri/girlfren anda ya...hehehe

p/s: patutlah tikus ni semakin byk membiak, mungkin ada yang kahwin dengan tikus Kaguya kot. hehe
p/s lagi: lelaki2 yang baca jangan marah ye.sekadar bicara ptg mengisi lapang. :)
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