Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shaving armpit hair risk to breast cancer??

I guess i have some free time to share something ... i had read about one interesting fact for woman. Percentage to get breast cancer is higher when woman shave their armpit! Is that shocked you much? Woah. its really shock me at first.... and sound. disgusting a bit. do you ever imagine a week or a month WITHOUT shaving ? oh. its really uncomfortable !!

Studies show that armpit actually protect our body from the bacteria or any chemical substance that can lead to the near the area of our arm, which is breast. Some of the chemical, like our deodorant is actually contain some of the chemical agent that not really favorable to our body internal defense. its make these armpit the first line immune defense to protect our body.

Anderson cancer center conclude that woman that shave their armpits hair had 10 %  higher risk to get a breast cancer. Dr Therese Bevers from M D. Anderson state that when woman shave their armpit, there will be small wound that cannot seen with eyes and porous on that area will larger. There will be a chance for toxin and chemical product like deodorant,powder and cream to penetrate the skin. These toxin will accumulate in the breast and the effect will lead to breast cancer...

so. what do you choose?? hygiene or healthy??

p/s: i rather choose hygiene actually. huhu

Bangga ke kalo awek seksi?

 ok. this is just a short entry.  
sya baru je lepas godek2 gamba kawan2 kat facebook.
 then. yeah rite, mmg ramai yang dah ada girlfren and boyfren. 
me too.. hik3. but then..
tak kesah lah kan. nak upload. 
sya pun paham..
bila bahagia, mmg rasa nak bagitau satu dunia
its happen for me too
tapi tapi tapi...
ada la beberapa gambar. 
which i think its inappropriate
saje la terfikir.
Para lelaki sekalian.bangga ke dapat awek seksi??
apa yang korang dapat.
semua org dapat.
mungkin mmg lawa
apa yang specialnya si dia pada korang?
nothing. zero
semua org dah tgk
lagi2 bila korang upload gamba2 awek korang tu
rugi rugi
siapa saya untuk menegur kan
sya mungkin x sempurna
guees what. WHO DOES?
nobody perfect rite
ingat mengingati amalan mulia
peace world!

hope i will always keep mine for my future husband one n only.

p/s: tiada kaitan dengan sesiapa. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

crazy week, i am guilty...

Assalamulaikum,the past week make me very crazy. I got 2 test and both of them were really hard as I thought and I bet the marks will be not very good. not to blame the lecturer for giving such tough questions, its me who do not ready, so... Padanlah Muka Hang!adoi... I donno what makes me this way, i feel like i am not serious enough with my studies. what happeng! 

These make me a lil bit depressed last night and i am a lil bit lost. thinking bout parents who always support me and give me whatever i needed, its makes me really guilty..... Therefore, i guess this does not end here... its one of my motivation to try harder. I know i can do it, just lack of effort... plz. manage your time!!now i am talking to myself.. huwaa...

So there.. till now i dont really have anything to write about. I do find some interesting fact, but I am feeling not to write about it right now.Just.. sometimes, you need some space for yourself right? I do. 

after all, I must to get up!plz. go away LAZINESS!! 

p/s: study vs stado

Monday, March 21, 2011


I wonder
is there any hope for me

Take it or Leave it.... 

p/s: having a rough day

Sunday, March 20, 2011


harini aku rasa cam nak join contest.
lagipun contest ni mmg macam betul2 sesuai ng aku.hehe
sape nak join klik ah eh untuk info...
tapi nak join follow cik leya and cik ekin ye..

haaa,,, ni la gambar2 aku dengan makanan.
 damn! i like food!! hehee

Mc Donald Big mac!

Secret Recipe Marshmallow cake!

Steamboat ketam!

Steamboat Johhny's

my favourite foods is
1. panggang2
2. steam2
3. rangup2

Not really specific because i am just love all of them!! hehe :)

saya foodlicious sebab saya sukakan makanan dan makanan buat hidup saya hepi dan bermakna!!

saya mau tag
1.akmal dhaifina
2. shikin
3. nadirah

ok thats all... harap hadiah dia belanja makan atau baucer makanan!!! :)

p/s: saya betul2 kena diet lepasni...:P

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Non-Halal milk??

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning. I am just finished attending physics lecture which is the  last class to attend this week, but unluckily i have one  more replacement class this evening... huwaa!!ok.ok...enough with my stress... back to the topic... 

Do you like milk? hehee... milk is my fav too! omaigod its was so delicious... obviously all of us must be drinking milk even some of us does not like it. Yeah right, we drink milk when we are baby! breast milk is very high in nutrients and produce a very good vitamin and supplement for babies.. and also, the immune system of the baby also increase when their mom feed them with breast milk more than artificial milk..!!

As we all know, milk is produced from cow and for the fact i know usually its halal.. but how can this milk become non-halal a.k.a HARAM??? 

This is the the actions of unresponsible company just want to collect profit and does not care about people. Why do I said so? there are some company, cheating on their milk product. Suppose, before all the milk is out to market,the protein measurement of the milk must to test first. In order to get high protein milk, the production cost must be really high,(good quality cow, advance machine, etc etc)Therefore this certain company started to use easy way solution to get high protein milk with lower cost.

How?? The protein measurement of milk is according to the amount of casein in the milk(structural formula).These company actually produce low protein milk,but they adding JUST casein to get the high protein measurement but, the truth is , the actual protein in the milk is not increase a bit!! Its getting worse when casein that they add is extraction from pig fat!!!!The prob is.. were the milks still halal????

Faham ke? haha. cam keling dah ayat sya kan ... damn!susah la nak explain dalam english.hehe....oke cani. pengusaha susu ni, sebenarnya mengeluarkan susu yang rendah protein, tapi nak tipu pengguna, dia tambah casein(bhn kimia) dari lemak babi, so bila cek nilai protein, seolah-olah mereka mengeluarkan susu yang berkualiti tinggi dan tinggi protein.. padahal itu casein je..masalahnye... susu itu halal atau tidak???

This problem was no proven black and white, but there are some company actually doing that.. this disrespectful actions is still under investigation under JAKIM to make sure all the food we(muslim) eat is halal ....  otherwise the company must give back their Halal license.. 

This is just some of the information sharing from may chemistry tutor few years ago. I hope this cases is resolved and all of us now drinking the halal milk  ....till now, say bismillah tawakal to ALLAH and enjoy your milk!!!peace upon you all!!! :)

p/s: minggu ni letih, lab sampai malam. huhu
p.s 2: sya bz, engineer sya pn bz. gudluck fyp awak! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jangan maen hujan, bahaya!!! -kesan tsunami jepun


haishhhh... entah kenapa dua tiga hari ni kekeringan idea lah. tak tahu nak update apa. rasa macam tahpape plak ada blog tapi tak update kan...  banyak sebenarnya nak cerita, tapi.....  takde mood nak tulis...taktahulah kenapa. em. kenapalah takde mood taktahu. bape kali nak ulang da. haha...

Sekarang ni banyak perkara sedang melayang-layang kat benak otak ni, cuti 4 bulan ni nak balik atau tak. terus buat fyp(final year project) ke, nak balik dulu.... fikiran tertinggal2 kat mana2 aku pergi. aku rasa macam ... ahhhhhh. oke abaikan. mesti tak paham kan...

oke. update tanpa isi macam baek tak payah post kan. so ... ingat nak kupas sket la... pasal. tsunami kat jepun baru2 ni. emm. sangat2 sdey la tgk. daripada bandar yang indah jadi punah semua sebabkan hentaman kuasa Allah. Sesungguhnya Dia sangat berkuasa. Subhanallah!

Setakat ni yang aku baca dah 2000 mayat ditemui kat daerah miyagi yang mana wilayah paling teruk tsunami berlaku kat jepun tu. tapi teruk teruknyer tsunami tu, anggaran kematian adalah lebih 10 ribu.. huhu... sdeynyer. rasa terkedu dan terkejut jugak bila tgk2 gambar....bersyukurlah malaysia sentiasa aman. jadi kita kenalah sentiasa berdoa dan meningkatkan amalan. inilah amaran dari-Nya. 

Makanan yang dimport dari jepun pun akan di test dlu oleh negara2 luar yang import sebab takutkan kebocoran radiasi yang berlaku.Yelah, ada 3 loji nuklear dekat Fukushima Daichi yang meletup dan probability berlaku keracunan radiasi tu mmg tinggi. itupun satu lagi letupan dijangka berlaku sebab ada lagi satu bioreaktor yang kurang kapasiti penyejukan(temperature controller)...

Jadi. sya nasihatkan. kalo hujan, jangan lah bersenang-senang basah kuyup ye.JANGAN MAEN HUJAN!!! pakailah baju hujan dan payung. ini kerana percentage untuk terkena keracunan radiasi memang tak dapat disangkal. Hujan yang turun mungkin berasid dan beracun yang boleh memudaratkan kesihatan kita. Kalo radiation particle tu kena kulit kita, sangat bahaya tau.. 

mungkin ni je yang sya mampu update skrg.kepala agak pening dan rasa macam tak sihat. nanti sya akan cuba update tajuk yang lagi menarik.... ! :) sekian...

p/s:oh diri, tolong jangan sentiasa tiada mood, nanti semua kerja tak jadi. huhu
p/s 2: tiba-tiba rasa rindu kat mak n ayah kat rumah
p/s 3: A.J tak layan sya harini.. :(

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do you think, what you think, you think?

fikir diri ni tak sihat
tapi masih lagi mengatur langkah

fikir diri ini susah
tapi masih lagi bergembira

fikir diri ini degil
tapi masih lagi tidak mendengar kata

fikir diri ini manja
tapi masih lagi mengadu domba

fikir diri ini
 begitu banyak kelemahan yang nyata
manusia tidak sempurna

Do you think, what you think, you think?

p/s: ada bertengkar dgn si dia sket td. tiada mood malam ni
p/s 2: semoga saudara seislam yang berada di Jepun tu selamat atas kehendak-Nya

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Healthy Laughters~

Assalamualaikum... hye guys. its been a while right. yeah, i don't know i feel like kind of lazy to write anything.. but i don't want to be like 'hangat2 tahi ayam' so i will try to keep updating my blog unless it was good for nothing .. so there comes the title above.Curious? yeah me too. so, lets proceed..... 

Discussing about laughters, have you ever think why we laugh? how can if there is funny things happen or anything that appears funny to us we will eventually laugh? As well as crying, laughter is also acceptable culturally for a variety of reasons.Sometimes because of person name for example a chinese ,named Ta Lee Pon. Suppose there is no reason for a chinese to laugh for that person's name, but for us or anyone that understands malay will cry to laugh because the name pronounce like telephone(telefon=Ta lee Pon)hahaa..

People ore often said that Laughter is the best medicine and this is also not far from the truth.When we laugh, the body makes facial gestures and sounds. The body relaxes during laughter. The diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles all get a workout. Scientists have found that laughing one hundred times is equal to a ten-minute workout on a rowing machine, or fifteen minutes on an exercise bike.

Besides,laughter will help us promote healing in the body by lowering blood pressure and increasing blood flow. When we laugh, the production of T -cells that destroy tumors and viruses increase, and more Gamma interferon (which is a disease fighting protein) is released. Laughter has been found to reduce the amount of stress hormones and help us cope with our lives better.Yeah, its happened when we laugh guys, and we never realize.. :)

Not only that, laughters are also contagious! (perasan tak) when other people laugh, everyone around also starting to laugh. Therefore, when we upset on something, after we go watched some movies we eventually lets all the stress out ! Yeah. its proven in psychological studies, Geotology- the scientific names to the study of laughters.

Scientists have discovered that within four- tenths of a second of seeing something humorous, an electrical wave moved through the cerebral cortex of our brain. And it is always different reactions through peoples. Sometimes for us its to funny, but for someone else is not really funny.That us because the path or electrical wave is different.If the wave took a negative charge, there was laughter. if not,vice versa.Many areas of the brain are involved in making us laugh. The emotional, the intellectual, and the sensory processing parts of our brain all plays a role in stimulating the motor sections of our brain to physically make us laugh!! 

So guys, call me crazy,(CRAZY!!!) but when its comes something that really makes me stressful i like to laugh loudly... yeah. its crazy but for me this is the most convenient and effective ways to reduce the tension. Instead of crying for regretfulness, i usually laugh. i am not saying we cannot cry, crying is good too to release stress but.... (kenapa nak membazir air mata syg??) <-- padahal sya pun suka nanges kdg2.oppssss. hehe

Last but not least, laughters also make up bonding within people. For example when in a very gloomy classroom and everyone are serious paying attention what lecturer teach, and suddenly one of the students farts soundly.. i am sure the whole students in the class will laugh!!! Laughter becomes a way to show power over the emotional climate of the group. When someone is embarrassed or threatened, laughter can defuse the situation by deflecting the anger and accepting humiliation.  

So. its good for us to laugh. But still don't overlaugh.Like people says.. (jangan banyak gelak nanti cepat lupa) Yes, we also might forget little things because the part of our brains is switched when we laugh. 

All in all, for me Laughters means happiness... So. lets laugh and be happy!!!

p/s: i love people making stupid jokes sometimes.. :P
p/s 2: for AJ, thanks for making me happy. your jokes sometimes really make me burst my laugh into tearsss! :P

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dream and Drive!

I dont know what to write to update my blog. i've been thinking for about 2 hours, and finally i decided to talk about car.WHAT? don't you ever think that girls don't know A THING about CAR.. err.oke fine. i am not really an EXPERT about car,, but.i also have my dream car..  don't blame me guys, they are HOT. hehe.

I dont know about latest sports car now, and i am not type of person that love everything that is new. for me, sometimes old version its better... same like soulmate, the older the better..(aisehh, tbe2 jiwang)..oke. this is my list. it was actually a lot at first, but i think i just narrow it down to FOUR, because a ton of assignments actually need to get done later.So, there it is...


Its HUGE! yeah rite. i like it that way. I always imagine to have a long ride in this car. I donno. bigs makes me comfortable. no cramping hands or legs. if you want to go anywhere, maybe your cousin's wedding or anywhere  you can just invite as many person as you want, like the whole family i guess. Oke, it is not a bus, but the point is, its HUGE! and..... has a simple design for me. i like it. very much. 
Hopes to get it: 10 years from now. when I be a very famous researcher that can treat cancer. so i will have a lot of money to spend... !! oh. Dream......

Yeah rite.. again. its HUGE! haha... i am started to like this car when i am at SABAH. you know, this precious land is very adventure as its not really being explored... Hills is everywhere. therefore, this type of car obviously seen in Sabah.... this car very good for traveler... !! and I love travelling! oke. cukup. belajar dulu sya, belajar belajar... hehee...
Hope to get it: 15 years from now. for my second car after alphard. can use it for travelling around the world!! Adventurous journey into deep forest! i likeeee.... hehe

Cute!! yes... his cuteness really attract me... and somehow i wonder,the design is perodua kelisa i guess. still. i think its quite nice for girls...(imagining myself drive it),,, wow.Super cute!!hehe
Hopes to get it: a birthday present from my future husband.. ehem ehemm... ada org terasa x.... hehe..

Oke. its my daddy's car...  i am not really a fan of Honda, but since my father bought it, i significantly understand why it was really admired by people. Even my dad also saving his money this whole time to buy this car.Maybe Honda's design is varies and super cool and the maintenance is also good... Comfortable, Fun fact no 3: You don't ever realise you are in the car. after u wake up from sleeping( in case its a long journey) suddenly you actually arrived. Very comfortable ! 
Hope to get it: I actually drove this car already! its my dad's remember??? maybe i just wait my father get a new car, so that i can own him... heheee....

Allrite, i know. why it was not malaysian car? yes. i guess my taste is not there.However, its does not denied their quality. Malaysian car is not bad either ... Its just different person has different taste. Even if the fans of cars will say, i am not up to date. yeah.... there must be a lot of cars that has a very nice design, but... i dont know, i prefer to like something that i can get it. I can grab it, maybe not right now, maybe for some years later... Then, for cars like ferrari, mercedez,bmw... its really farrrrrrr beyond my standards.. Not to take it as challenge, it just me face the reality... Oh ya! maybe if a bilionnare come and propose me, i will change my dream eventually.. hehee..

For now, i am only own a motorcycle, my dear lovely AFiQ.. so.. sgt2 bersyukur dah. coz, without him.. maybe i will be late everyday in lecture.... my AFiQ is everything... now. 
my lovely AFiQ

Oh. "my engineer" also have cars that he really bragging about it all the time. ..

Yes. its SAGA new edition... 

Last but not least, there must be a million things in the worlds that we want, but whatever it is effort must be first. 
"you can't just do your best. i want excellent!"

So guys... talk doesn't cook rice, just.. take a moment and think about it... USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAAN!!

p/s: motivation for myself before i am being reckless.
p/s 2: ada lesen tapi actually masih takut2 bawak kereta... hehee..

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